The plains of the Werithain (early book two)
{actually, it's near Lancaster, California...never been there, but it looks nice}
Where does one get inspiration today. Sometimes it's all doom and gloom out there, and the news pushes every bit of information to make life seem...well, horrible. No wonder people write fantasy. Inspiration is required, and for me it comes easily: a beautiful photo, a great song, a warm spring day, most Sundays in general. And then, if I'm lucky, I write.
Not sure if my books will ever be widely read, and that's a scary thought; but I sit down, wonder if it's worth it, then look and the page and want to go on. I look a picture, or recall a place I've been, and write or create, whatever name you give to art. God made things beautiful -- why can't I.
Book three is started, although book(parts) one and two can be read independently, and it will be slow going. But I want to do it. Chapter two is rolling along, and I have to turn the mood soon. Lots in my mind to the story, just need to outline my thoughts and get it right. Thanks for listening.