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Showing posts from October, 2011

What have you created today?

A little dryness in writing needs -- inspiration. It's not too far away. Look around, look it up, look within. Be inspired. Now write something.

Worth the visit

Second Chapter Books -- Ligonier, Pa    Nice to have a chance to drive east into the Laurel Highlands of Pennsylvania for the much anticipated Ligonier Days. The perfect day trip with fall splashed all across the hills in many colors. I always love that visit -- Fort Ligonier, the parade, shops, food and music. Town is closed off for several blocks to all but pedestrians, and good times abound. Stay as long as you like, or until they throw you out. Did I mention the food?    This was also a fine time to visit Second Chapter Books, (find them on Facebook), where my novels rest comfortably on a middle shelf just to the right of the cash register. I was happy to learn of a september sale, and it makes me wonder how they enjoyed it. (Comments people!) Thank you again to everyone who has taken a chance on "Passage of the Acolyte."    And another mention to Red Barn Books in Greensburg, Pa. They are as friendly as can be, and overflowing. A new section is in...