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Time's up....almost.

I recall JRR Tolkien in his biography spelling out the lapsed time between his writings. How he changed 'his country, his house, and his chair' over time, to paraphrase. He seemed as dreadfully a slow writer as I am. Now as I look shamefully at the lapse of time between my own entries, I realized he wasn't alone in change. But this is a book blog, and I have every intention of carrying on what I started many years ago - longer than many of you imagine - and my growing list of Outcasts can carry on with their adventures.

So in this busyness of my own doing - happily may I add - a place is setting itself for new surroundings...and that new chair, among other things. At the right time will come time to begin again (actually, it's book five that needs restarted and hardly a beginning at all). So bear with me a little longer and let's get back to the business of storytelling.

the latest chapter....


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